Traveling by 'Mokoro' through, in part uncharted areas of the Okavango Delta with the help of locals from Maun, Botswana.
Doing a Master of Science while you are also freelancing as a filmmaker and photographer and working as a teacher and coach at a university can be tough. The extra hours you have to work are brutal. But it can also be fun. 
One of the so called 'learning outcomes' in my master's curriculum, is called Sustainable Development. We were asked to create a two minute video with our personal vision on Sustainable Development. I kept it fairly general, so that it was open for interpretation and discussion. At the same time I wanted to make my (idealistic) point. You can watch the video below. It's in Dutch, but I translated it into English. 
NOTE: Don't mind the voice-over audio quality. Like I said, the weekly hours are brutal and I had to record it dirty and quick, using my phone on short notice.
Video: a vision on Sustainable Development
On assignment in the High Tatras Mountains, Slovakia. A four day hike to one of the last remaining tribe villages in Europe.
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